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3Delight is a fast RenderMan compliant renderer. 3Delight supports many of the features required to produce photrealistic images including motion blur, depth of field programmable shaders, antialiasing and ray tracing. It is available for a wide variety of platforms, including Windows, MacOS X, Linux and IRIX.

Integrated lighting design computer tool. ADELINE has been developed by an international research team within the framework of the International Energy Agency (IEA) Solar Heating and Cooling Programme Task 12. ADELINE provides architects and engineers with accurate information about behaviour and the performance of indoor lighting systems. Both natural and electrical lighting problems can be solved, in simple rooms or the most complex spaces.

A free renderman compliant renderer by Ian Stephenson Version 0.7 features Global Illumination (Radiosity)

BART Raytracer
This raytracer has been called was going to use some BSP trees (BSP Tree Accelerated RayTracer). BART has been implemented in C++ the first sizable program written by Nigel Stewart in this language

Behemot Graphics Editor
Free modeller/renderer for Win 95/NT and Linux, with NURBS/ animations .A graphics program which allows to model and render 3D objects and scenes.

CLOE Raytracer
CLOE render v1.20 for MS-DOS, Atari, Linux and Sgi by Pierre-e GOUGELET

CyberMotion 3D-Designer
Low$ shareware modeller/raytracer

Das Renderingprogramm GAMMA-RAY
Gamma-Ray is a rendering commercial program. This site is in German.

DKB-Trace version 2.12
The predessor to POV-Ray v1.0

EasyRayer, the free ray-tracing library
EasyRayer is an easy-to-use creator of photo-realistic, synthetic scenes. You just have to give EasyRayer the list of your 3D polygonally-bounded faces, the position in space of some light sources, and some characteristic features of the surfaces (color, reflection index,...). Then, just place your camera and shoot.

GrafEq (pronounced “graphic”) is an intuitive, flexible, precise and robust program for producing graphs of implicit equations and inequalities.

A java based raytracer written by Martin Rebas in 6 days. The result is a pretty slow raytracer.

Lightflow Rendering Interface
The Lightflow Rendering Interface is an object oriented programming interface to synthetic rendering, which provides a common environment and description language to treat light distribution in three dimensional spaces. Runs under Win95/NT and Linux

Mental Ray
Mental ray® generates images of outstanding quality and unsurpassed realism and achieves scalable performance through the exploitation of parallelism on both multiprocessor machines and across networks of machines.

MGF Parser and Examples
Data and software for the Materials and Geometry Format, a least common denominator language for describing scenes and objects suitable for physically-based rendering applications (among other things).

Now 3D
A 3D raytracing program that offers a GUI modelling interface. It uses mainly polygon shape modelling with a small number of internal primitives. The texture capabilities are good and also offers some advanced features like fog and particles. By G. Cornacchiola.

Panorama home page
Panorama is a framework for 3D graphics production. It is part of the GNU project.

Home Page of the Persistence of Vision Raytracer

RADIANCE is a highly accurate ray-tracing software system for UNIX computers that is licensed at no cost to users for non-commercial use; commercial use licenses including distribution rights are available for a fee.

Ray++ Raytracer
RAY++ is a collection of C++ classes needed for ray tracing (shapes, surfaces, cameras etc.).

Rayshade Homepage
Rayshade is an extensible system for creating ray-traced images. It is written in C, yacc, and lex, and runs on many different platforms.

Realtime Rendering Engines Lists
A short list of other sites maintained by Karsten Isakovic - last updated 1998

RenderPark is a test-bed system for physically based photo-realistic image synthesis. It's a free software package providing a solid implementation of a wide variety of state-of-the-art ray-tracing and radiosity algorithms.

Siren: A Simple-Image Renderer
Siren is a scanline implementation of the RenderMan standard for describing 3D scenes. It renders simple scenes well. It supports most of the basic RenderMan functionality and provides many of the optional capabilities described in the RenderMan standard. Siren runs under MS-DOS.

Tachyon Parallel / Multiprocessor Ray Tracing System
Tachyon is a multiprocessor ray tracing system which can be used as a stand alone program, or as a library within other programs. It supports almost any Unix-like system, Windows, MacOS-X and BeOS, as well as several embedded systems and high end supercomputers.

The Poor Mans Renderer (PMR)
PMR is a simple 3D rendering/editing tool. It is not designed to compete with expansive professional tools, but it is free (including free source) and maybe it could be a useful tool for others. Version 2.5

The Raja Project
Raja stands for 'Ray-Tracer in Java'. The Raja project intends to build a complete modern Ray-Tracer using the Java language. Last Updated in 2003.

The Relativistic Raytracer
The Relativistic Raytracer project was initiated at Easter 1997 by Antony Searle with the aim of producing computer generated animations showing the consequences of Special Relativity, to be used as a teaching aid.

The VERA Raytracer
VERA (Very Efficient Raytracing Algorithm) can produce realistic and non-realistic images. The algorithm gets its efficiency from a preprocessing step (using a regular grid method) in connection with a subscene technique. Besides the usual features of a raytracer it can be used for rendering copper plates and SIRDS.

Vivid 2.0
This is the Vivid raytracer version 2.0. It has been out of development for several years and will only run in a dos environment.

WinOSi is an Open Source, Freeware Rendering Tool for creating real photorealistic Images by a new algorithm, which I have called 'Iterative Two Pass Optical Simulation Raytracing'.

Copyright 2003-2021 Persistence of Vision Raytracer Pty. Ltd.