POV-Ray : Resources : Links : 3D Tutorials : POV-Ray Tutorials
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An Introduction to POV-Ray
Tutorial by Dr. C.-K. Shene (Last updated in 2002)

Christoph's Page
Has some great material for some of POV-Ray's more advanced features including isosurfaces, radiosity and Warps. German and English versions available.

Creating a Forest Scene with Leveller and POV-Ray
This tutorial hosted by the creator of the program Leveller explains how to create a vegetated landscape scene using the Leveller heightfield editor and POV-Ray v3.1+.

Creating Caves with Heightfields
This tutorial by Mauro Pierluigi shows a method of creating caves and grottos using POV-Ray's height field object.

Realistic skies with POV-Ray
A two part description by Friedrich A. Lohmüller with sample files covering the creation of realistic skies and sunshine.

Rendering Times News
The Povabilities link takes you to a series of tutorials by Sonya Roberts covering such things as While loops, the If Else clause and the POV-Ray clock.

Adding Glows with PSP5
Details a process for post-processing your POV-Ray scene file to add realistic glows"" to objects like light bulbs using Paint Shop Pro."

Creating realistic brick patterns in POV-Ray
POV-Ray Brick Tutorial by Jeff Lee

Examples of Natural randomisation with POV
Samples (palms and reeds) on how to simulate natural disorder and controlled irregularity. Sample Images, with source files (English / German).

Expanding POVRAY World
Basic tutorials, objects, and images. Japanese only.

Fichiers d'aide de POV-Ray en francais - POV-Ray help files in French
Out of date translation of the POV-Ray help files. Traduction francaise de l'aide de POV-Ray 3.00 et 3.10 aux formats HTML (consultation en ligne (3.00-3.10) ou telechargeable (3.10)) et d'aide Windows tÚlÚchargeable. La traduction 3.10 (en version aide de Windows) peut remplacer le fichier d'aide anglais d'origine.

Greg's boids page
This page is to offer some hints on how to run my boids algorithm to create flocking particles. Last updated June 26, 2000.

Initiation to POV (french tutorial for beginners)
From installation to macros by Jean-Michel Grimaldi. WARNING the installation page points to a download of an out of date (3.1) version of POV-Ray. Refer to www.povray.org for the current version.

Isosurface Tutorial
Mike Williams' Isosurface tutorial. Isosurfaces are a feature of version 3.5 of POV-Ray. This tutorial assumes that you have some basic knowledge of isosurfaces and will help guide you from there. The tutorial illustrates many forms of Isosurface and shows how to combine Isosurface functions to provide a very wide variety of shapes.

JK's POV-Ray Spirals Tutorial
A tutorial by J u l i u s K l a t t e describing how to make spirals using POV-Ray #while loops.

Kaleidoscopes tutorial
This short tutorial by Mark Newbold will teach you how to use POV-Ray to make some very interesting Kaleidoscopic images. It is easy to do and the images are stunning.

Leveller/POV-Ray Tutorial
This tutorial focuses on using the program Leveller in conjunction with POV-Ray for landscape development. In particular it shows techniques used to place objects accurately along the surface of an HF object.

Online POV-Ray Tutorial
An online POV-Ray Version 2 tutorial by the ThinkQuest Team from 1996.

Shows off 3D panoramas and objects created in POV-Ray. Offers a short discussion on the software and techniques used in their creation (doesn't display if you don't have Java enabled)

Poser to MegaPOV Tutorial
Contains information on how to convert poser 3.0 models into a format that MegaPOV can render.

POV is Trig
A discussion on the use of trigonometry with POV-Ray. If you rotate an object, you often don't know where one end is. If you know where it was to begin with, you can use trigonometry to figure out where it will be. Or, more specifically, you can let POV use trigonometry to figure out where it will be.

POV Ray Study Gallery
Two pages full of different Step by Step guides describing how to use POV Ray to create each of the images shown. Also includes resource links.

How to in German

POV-Ray Basics
Two introductory pages for both POV and Vivid users.

POV-Ray Bicubic Mesh Tutorial
A two page tutorial that illustrates the type of thing that can be done with a Bicubic Patch and starts to explain how Bicubic Patches work.

POV-Ray Book Project - Home Page
A project that made an attempt to offer a comprehensive compendium of tutorials dedicated to POV-Ray. Many of the tutorial pages are not yet started (since 2001), but some the ones identified as 'In Progress' or 'Author Contacted' link through to actual tutorials.

POV-Ray by Phong
Brief introductory POV-Ray tutorials plus 3D Studio MAX and Photoshop Tutorials.

POV-Ray Cyclopedia
This tutorial site is an attempt to present various unique techniques used in POV-Ray It is not a general POV-Ray tutorial site.

This is must reading for all new users of the program POV-Ray. This faq answers the most commonly asked questions in the news groups and was put together by many experienced volunteers.

POV-Ray Galerie
Tutoriaux (A tutorial on using POV-Ray). Contains a section on using POV-Ray's new media function. The pages are mostly in Francaise with some having also been translated to English .

POV-Ray Quick Reference
This is an accumulation and refinement of the entire syntax for the POV-Ray 3.5 Scene Description Language. Also provided are the limitations for the values given with various keywords. Note that the syntax conventions used here are slightly different than those used in the official user documentation which may be acquired at the - http://povray.org - site.

Pov-Ray tips
Tips covering texture creation, scene creation and layout, use of the camera, and a section on using POV-Ray's random number function.

POV-Ray Tips, and Tricks, and Techniques
50 different useful tips and tricks, each one giving a detailed solution to a typical POV-Ray dilemmas. Maintained by Glen McCarter

POV-Ray's Wood Texture Tutorial
A tutorial by Ib Rasmussen describing how to use the POV-Ray wood pattern to create wood textures.

Realistic water with POV-Ray
This tutorial by Christoph Hormann should give a more or less complete introduction to the POV-Ray features that can help to create realistic water. It is based on the POV-Ray 3.5 syntax and features, but most of the things described here are also possible in megapov with some minor changes.

Robert Fremin's POV-Ray tutorial
Takes you through to a series of short introductory tutorials on basic POV-Ray syntax.

Rune's Blob Tutorial
A great tutorial on using POV-Ray's blob object. Tutorial does a good job of removing some of the mystries encountered trying to understand the various features of the blob object.

StereoGrams Tutorial
How to create depth-maps for stereograms with a 3D program like POV-Ray by Rune.

Tutorials - Persistence of Text
A series of introductory tutorials by Jerry Stratton with illustrations and sample code, starting with an introduction to CSG and leading up to the the creation of objects such as dice and a spent bullet casing. Includes a tutorial on POV-Ray's advanced scripting capabilities.

Understanding the POV-Ray matrix keyword
A tutorial by Jeff Lee describing how to manipulate POV-Ray objects using matrix transformations. Examples and code samples are provided.

Uniform Polyhedra
A Polyhedra tutorial with examples rendered using POV-Ray. POV-Ray source is available.

Wikipedia Cornell Box Page
The Cornell Box scene aims at determining the accuracy of rendering software. This is the Wikipedia page showing the standard scene rendered in POV-Ray.

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