POV-Ray : Documentation : INI File Sections
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5.5.2 INI Files   5.6 Understanding POV-Ray Options INI File Sections

Sections are not files in themselves; they are portions of INI files. Sections are a means of grouping multiple sets of POV-Ray options together in a single INI file, by introducing them with a section label. Consider the following INI file, taken from the POV-Ray 3 documentation:

; This sample INI file is used to set resolution.

+W120 +H100 ; This section has no label.
; Select it with "RES"

+W80 +H60 ; This section has a label.
; Select it with "RES[Low]"

+W320 +H200 ; This section has a label.
; Select it with "RES[Med]"

+W640 +H480 ; Labels are not case sensitive.
; "RES[high]" works

[Really High]
+W800 +H600 ; Labels may contain blanks

If you select this INI file, the default resolution setting will be 120 x 100. As soon as you select the [High] section, however, the resolution becomes 640 x 480.

For more information on POV-Ray options and INI files consult the section on POV-Ray Options.

5.5.2 INI Files   5.6 Understanding POV-Ray Options

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