// cave11.pov - SCC Entry by Matthew Grove // Short Description // A cone in front of the camera going from -.3*y to .2*y // with a radius from .3 to .1 cone{z-.3*y,.3,z+.2*y,.1 // With a crackle colour map that is mostly blue and red with a // large filter component, scaled down considerably pigment{crackle color_map{[0rgbf(x+z*2+t)/2][1rgbf 1]}scale.1} // And the requisite special effects finish{specular.8reflection.8metallic}} // The sphere the camera is inside, centred on the camera with // a radius of 3, flattened in the y axis by 0.1, // white with a agate pattern normal sphere{0,3scale y*.1pigment{rgb 1}normal{agate.8}hollow} // A light source inside the cone that fades light_source{z rgb 1fade_power 3fade_distance 1} // And some fog for extra effect fog{distance 8rgb x+z/3}