NAME: Thomas Bates EMAIL: WEBPAGE: COMMENTS: All isosurfaces, no normals. Isosurfaces are fun. (the boat is not an isosurface) COPYWRITE: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD 10BEST.RAYTRACE.COM COPYRIGHT STATEMENT. EXPANDED CODE: (and rearranged a bit) #macro I(S,O) isosurface{ function{ S(x, y, z) } contained_by{ box{ -9, 9 } } texture{ O } } #end #macro T(G,B) ( ( f(x*G, 0, z*G) - .5 ) / B ) #end #local f = function{ internal(76) } I( function{ y + T(1,1) + T(9,9) + T(99,9) }, texture{ pigment{ green 1 } } ) I( function{ y + T(99,5000) }, texture{ pigment{ rgb .25 } finish{ reflection .3 } } ) I( function{ max( -y + 1, y - 1 - T(2,1) ) + T(9,7) }, texture{ pigment{ rgbt <2, 2, 2, .8> } } ) cone{ <6,-9,2>,0, <6, 1,2>,1 open scale <3,1,9>/400 rotate 45*y } background{ rgb<1, 3, 4> / 5 } light_source{999*y,2} camera{location y/33look_at x} //TB2