a) Tom A. b) raugost@yahoo.com c) http://www.geocities.com/gossamerpenguin/ d) commented listing #local c=rgbt 1; // basic "clear" color, also useful for converting // other vectors into color objects #local i=99; // going to need this later light_source{y*i c} // but can use i to save a byte here. // light used to create shadows, and make normals stand out #macro q(l,w,r) // the sea surface and sea floor plane plane{y,l normal{waves} // give it shape pigment{c*w} // and color finish{reflection r/9 // make it reflective, if surface ambient.3} // make it brighter hollow // allow fog no_shadow} // and let shadows through the sea surface #end #macro f(s) // the fins disc{0,z,.5 // just a disk clipped_by{sphere{x,1}} // clipped by a sphere translate s // and moved depending on what type of fin } #end union{ // the school of bozo fish #while(i>1) // lots of them union{ // an individual fish lathe{ // body shape is lathed cubic_spline 6, v-u, v, <.3,.5>, u/5, -v, -2*v rotate-90*z // turned on side to look fishlike } f(0) // dorsal & ventral fins f(-x) // tail fins rotate-y*i*5 // "random" rotation translate // "random" placement } // end of individual fish object #local i=i-.2; #end pigment{bozo scale.4} // where the bozo fish gets its name finish{phong.4 ambient.3} // to make it look a little better // the finish and pigment could have // gone on the individual fish, which // would have made them all the same // pattern. } // end of school q(-3,.9,0) // the sea floor fog{279 c*y/2} // get rid of the horizon, green up the picture q(9,<0,0,1,.4>,5) // the sea surface - not as noticable with the // camera angle reduced, but the blue sky is still // visible. camera{angle 30} // focus on the school - gets more fish closer to the camera background{c*z} // blue sky above the water //tpa2 e) The Bozo Fish live peacably in the POV Lagoon. Famous for their "snowflake" quality - ie. no two are the same - they are not good trouphy fish, and being eyeless, they run into things a lot. They don't taste very good, unless you are a Gradient Shark, which couldn't fit in 500 bytes. Elsewhere in the Lagoon are some neat brain corals, but they too, couldn't fit in the 500 bytes. F) I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD 10BEST.RAYTRACE.COM COPYRIGHT STATEMENT.