a) Petri Tuomas Ojamies b) ojamies@cs.helsinki.fi c) http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/ojamies/index.html d) camera{ look_at y+2 angle 135 } box{ -1 9 pigment{ rgb .8 } finish{ reflection .3 } } #macro l(a) light_source{ 8*a rgb a/vlength(a) fade_power 2 fade_distance 3 } #end l(x) l(y) l(z) l(1-x) l(1-y) l(1-z) l(x+y+z) sphere{ 4 3 finish{ reflection 1 } no_shadow } //pto e) I call this theme as ColorRoom, it is a simple room with white reflective walls and light source at each corner. Picture is rendered using overangled perspective camera to get the weird look. To this project I reimplemented the original ColorRoom completely, it was 2269 bytes large. Most of the space was taken by light source definitions, which were easily converted to one macro. Idea of using same vector as coordinates and color came from rgb color model. The original ColorRoom had no items but this time I decided to add sphereflake fractal to give more interesting look. Then, by accident, I noticed the smiley on plain sphere. Simple is beautifull and less is more, seven light sources, one box, sphere and smile - that is my contribution to this contest. Long live the POV-Ray! pto, Wed Jan 30 10:10:36 EET 2002 F) I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD 10BEST.RAYTRACE.COM COPYRIGHT STATEMENT.