Paul Bourke global_settings { max_trace_level 1000 } #declare a = sqrt(2); #declare r = texture { pigment { color <1,1,1> } finish { ambient 0 diffuse 1 reflection 1 } } camera { location x-y+z look_at <0,0,0> } light_source { <-3,-3,-3> color <0,1,0> } light_source { <-3, 3, 3> color <0,0,1> } light_source { < 3, 3,-3> color <1,0,0> } sphere { z-x-y, a texture { r } } sphere { x+y+z, a texture { r } } sphere { y-x-z, a texture { r } } sphere { x-y-z, a texture { r } } //pdb Comment: This is a rendering of a so called "Wada basin boundary" I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD 10BEST.RAYTRACE.COM COPYRIGHT STATEMENT.