Wlodzimierz ABX Skiba abx@abx.art.pl http://www.abx.art.pl/pov/ background{z/6} #macro d() C( k-1 vnormalize( D + .5 - ) p ) #end #macro M(r) pigment{ granite color_map{ [0 B*r] [ #end #macro C(k,D,P) #if(k) #local p=P+D*k/2; cone{ P , k^2/99 p (k-1)^2/99 pigment { B*<.3.05.1> } normal{ agate scale.5 } } d()d()d()d() #else disc{ P D .1*rand(S) pigment { B*y/3 } } #end #end #macro D(S,n,B) sphere{ n .9 M(.5) 1 B] } } finish{ ambient.7 } } light_source{ n*.9 3 } C( 7 z , -y ) plane { z , 3 M(9-9*z) .06 B] [.1 B+t] [1 B] } } scale 4 } #end D( seed(0) <2,3,14> rgb 1 ) //KS6 Scene presents tree at night in light of moon. I had idea for this image whole month but I just waited for inspiration. I got it two days ago. Preview of this render should be available at http://www.abx.art.pl/pov/shortest/KS6.jpg. I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD 10BEST.RAYTRACE.COM COPYRIGHT STATEMENT.