Wlodzimierz ABX Skiba abx@abx.art.pl http://www.abx.art.pl/pov/ #macro C(c,p) text{ ttf "timrom" c 1 0 pigment{ rgb p } #end #macro K(k,V) C( "." k*x ) scale c/15 translate z*9.9+V*c/200-P } #end #macro n(c,T,k) C( c , 1-k ) scale.7 rotate z*-30 translate T } #end #macro D(c,P,k) #while(c) C( "O" 1-z ) normal{ agate .2 scale .2+x*2 translate c } #local d=mod(c,2); matrix < d*k (1-d)*k , 0 , 0 , 0 , .2 , 1-d , d , 0 div(c,13)-7 mod(c,13)-6 , 10 > rotate z*10 } K( .9 y ) K( 1 x ) #if ( !mod(c,9) ) light_source{ -c* .03 } #end #local c=c-1; #end #end D( 600 <4,3> 1.45 ) n( "Happy Val" <-3.5,1,9.89> .2 ) n( "entine's Day!" -<.7.6,-9.89> 0 ) //KS5 Scene presents Valentine's card. All was made from chars. Preview of this render should be available at http://www.abx.art.pl/pov/shortest/KS5.jpg. I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD 10BEST.RAYTRACE.COM COPYRIGHT STATEMENT.