Wlodzimierz ABX Skiba abx@abx.art.pl http://www.abx.art.pl/pov/ light_source{-4+9*y 1} #macro f() function{ #end #macro L(S,A,i,r,C) isosurface{ f() min( r(x,z,S(y).x) #while(C) -i(y-C, 0, i(C+.2+A(0,C,0)/2-y, 0, A(x*2,y,z*2)/9+.05 ) ) #local C=C-1; #end, r(x-4*y^.3,z,i(y,0,y/8)), r(r(x+5,y-7,3),z,.5) ) -A(y,x,z)/20 } max_gradient 9 contained_by{ box{ -9 18 } } pigment{ agate } scale.1 translate -y+z*2 finish{ specular .8 reflection .5 } } #end L( f() spline{ quadratic_spline 0 0 2, 4 10, 1 11, 2 12, 1 14.9, 2 15,1. 9 15.1, 2 18, 0 } } f() pattern{agate} } f() select(x,y,z) } f() (x^2+y^2)^.5-z } 9 ) //KS3 Scene presents ancient teapot and rust on it. All was made as one isosurface. Main body is an iso-lathe made from spline function. Outlet is displaced cone. Holder is a torus. All surfaces was displaced with agate pattern. Body has additional decoration made with another usage of agate pattern. Preview of this render should be available at http://www.abx.art.pl/pov/shortest/KS3.jpg. I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD 10BEST.RAYTRACE.COM COPYRIGHT STATEMENT.