Wlodzimierz ABX Skiba abx@abx.art.pl http://www.abx.art.pl/pov/ #macro C(A,B,R,S) cylinder{A,B,R,1scale S} #end #macro P() bozo scale.003 #end #macro p() pigment{ #end #macro D(R,r) disc{ 0 N R+r r p()P()*R} translate <.01.2,1> scale 1+y/3 } #end #macro O(A,B,N) light_source{99*N,1.5shadowless} blob{ threshold.03 C(y,y/3,1x*3) C(A,B.7,1) C(A,B.7,1-2*x) translate z*3-y/2 scale 1+x/2+y/3 p() object{ text{ ttf"povlogo" "P" 9 0 scale.2-x/20 translate<.3,-.7> } p()P()*9 color_map{ [.9 rgb <1,.8.7>] [1red.4] } } p()red.5} } } normal{P()} } D(.02.6) D(.9.62) #end O(-<.7.1.9><-.5,1.5><.1.5,-2>) //KS1 Scene presents POV-3.5 logo made as tatoo on woman. The woman is builded from 3 blobbed cylinders. Her cloth are two discs. Rest was made as pigment patterns. Preview of this render should be available at http://www.abx.art.pl/pov/shortest/KS1.jpg. I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD 10BEST.RAYTRACE.COM COPYRIGHT STATEMENT.